W.H. Bagshaw Unlocks QC Productivity with 1factory

Overview of W.H. Bagshaw:

W.H. Bagshaw is a 5th generation family business established in 1870. Initially focusing on manufacturing pointed pins for the textile industry, the company has evolved over the last 18 years to include a rapidly growing CNC department. This expansion allows W.H. Bagshaw to cater to a diverse range of industries, including medical, aerospace, defense, and other high-tech sectors.

Challenges Faced Prior to Implementing 1factory:

Before integrating 1factory into their operations, W.H. Bagshaw relied on a manual quality control process. Machinists and operators worked closely with the quality team to ensure parts met specifications. However, this process faced challenges such as legibility issues with paper audit sheets, particularly in oily machining environments, and the potential for human error in data entry.

Factors Driving Adoption of 1factory:

W.H. Bagshaw recognized the need for a digital quality control system to streamline their processes and improve accuracy. The prospect of transitioning to a paperless environment, with all necessary documents and ballooned prints readily accessible, appealed to the company. Additionally, the real-time error detection offered by 1factory promised to enhance data accuracy and efficiency on the shop floor.

Notable Improvements After Integration:

Since integrating 1factory, W.H. Bagshaw has experienced significant improvements in their quality control processes. They now benefit from cleaner inspection and First Article Inspection (FAI) reports, enhanced visualization of priority jobs for management, and improved reporting capabilities for customer requests. Moreover, the ability to provide data-driven charts demonstrating their manufacturing capability has strengthened their relationships with clients.

Positive Aspects of User Experience:

The W.H. Bagshaw team appreciates the user-friendly interface of 1factory, particularly the visual cues indicating data accuracy. The system's ability to flag out-of-tolerance measurements in real-time has bolstered confidence in the quality of their work. Additionally, features like print ballooning have proven invaluable, especially for less experienced operators.

Achieved Savings and Benefits:

By leveraging 1factory, W.H. Bagshaw has realized significant savings in time, resources, and effort. For instance, conducting capability studies for a customer has led to the adoption of centerless ground material, resulting in reduced setup times and decreased scrap rates. These efficiencies directly contribute to cost savings and improved overall productivity.

Recommendation and Key Highlights:

Drawing from their positive experience, W.H. Bagshaw has already initiated recommendations for 1factory among fellow members of their Precision Machined Products Association (PMPA) Chapter. They emphasize the system's robust features including print ballooning, comprehensive reporting capabilities, and intuitive user interface as pivotal aspects supporting their endorsement.

If your organization is looking to streamline quality control processes, enhance productivity, and deliver superior products, consider integrating 1factory into your operations today. Take the first step towards optimizing your manufacturing processes and ensuring customer satisfaction.